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Digital Life Stories Poster image
Cindy Aamlid

Southwest Minnesota State University

Poster A:

Digital Life Stories as an Interdisciplinary Project: 

Lessons Learned

00:00 / 01:20
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Silvia Bartolic

University of British Columbia

Curriculum Evaluation and Renewal: Gathering Evidence to Support Decision Making

Poster B:
00:00 / 00:34
Bartolic Curriculum Poster Lilly 2020
Bartolic Chang OnTask_ Poster
Silvia Bartolic
Lisa Chang

University of British Columbia 

Poster C:

OnTask Learning Analytics Tool for Personalized Feedback Promoting Student Success

00:00 / 00:37
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Monideepa Becerra
Salome Mshigeni

California State University,

San Bernardino

Cultural Competency: A Graduate Student Experiential Learning Opportunity

Poster D:
Monideepa Becerra

California State University

San Bernardino

Poster E:

Preparing Future Faculty:

Successes and Emerging Gaps

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Roxanne Brinkerhoff

Utah Valley University

Faculty Development: Pathway to Change

Poster F:
00:00 / 01:41
Brinkerhoff Poster Lilly CA 2020
Brown Poster Lilly SD 2020
Mary Brown
Merliee Larsen

California State University

San Bernardino

Poster G:

Order Up! Serving Up a Personal Health and Wellness Course Cafeteria Style

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Larsen Lilly Poster SD 2020.jpg
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Ron Buckmire

Occidental College

Perceptions of Belonging in Undergraduate STEM Education

Poster H:
00:00 / 01:31
LILLY Poster 2020 Buckmire Levitan
Maria Claver Poster 2020
Maria Claver

California State University

Long Beach

Poster I:

"Zooming" Across the Globe: Using 

Technology to Partner in Teaching

00:00 / 01:39
David Cluphf

Southern Illinois University


Student Perceptions of Faculty/Instructor Bullying

Poster J:
David Cluphf Poster 2020
00:00 / 01:43
Couchman - 2020 Poster
Justin Couchman

Albright College

Poster K:

Confidence and Culture: Metacognition in America, Cypriot, and Emirati Learners

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Kaila Vento headshot
Kathy Dixon

Arizona State University

Utilizing Zoom to Sharpen Student's Verbal and Non-verbal Communication Skills

Poster L:
Kathy Dixon Poster 2020
Kaila Vento
Erik Eddy Poster 2020
Erik Eddy
Caroline D'Abate

Siena College 

Skidmore College

Poster M:

Teammate Evaluations: Are Faculty Implementing Research-Based Best Practices?

00:00 / 01:25
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Caroline Dabate Headshot
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Megan Fixen

Minot State University

Nicole Wald

Make Technology work for you! Teaching Strategies that Engage Students

Poster N:
00:00 / 00:37
Megan Fixen Poster 2020
Amy Fladeboe Poster 2020
Amy Fladeboe

Century College

Poster O:

Recruiting Creative Writers in Composition Courses

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00:00 / 01:53
Kristen Genet 

Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Exploring Undergraduate Research in Online and Seated Biology Classroom Environments

Poster P:
Kristen Genet Poster 2020
Alison Greig Escape Room Poster 2020
Alison Greig

University of British Columbia

Poster Q:

Teaching and Assessing Professionalism Competence "Escape Room" Style

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00:00 / 01:21
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Sheri Grotrian

Peru State College

Engaging College Success with the Wellness Wheel

Poster R:
Sheri Grotrian Poster 2020
Angela Hegamin Poster 2020
Angela Hegamin

Western University of Health Sciences

Poster S:

Brain-Based Learning Strategies and Student Performance in the First-Year Optometry Curriculum: A Pilot Study

00:00 / 01:29
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Christina Holden-Sonnek

Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Impact of Requiring Peer Tutor Visits in Beginning Algebra

Poster T:
Lilly San Diego red train
Michael Howser Poster 2020
Michael Howser
Tim Tully

San Diego State University

Poster U:

Student to Hired: Quantitative Literacy for Academic Career Success

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Jennifer Jackson

North Central College

Creative Course Design for Senior Faculty Connection and Renewal

Poster V:
Jackson and Keys Lilly Poster 2020
Jennifer Keys
Dawn Joyce Poster image
Dawn Joyce
Nan Morelli-White

St. Petersburg College

Poster W:

Colleges Need a Makeover

00:00 / 01:11
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Nan Morelli-White Headshot
Jarret Keene

University of Nevada 

Las Vegas

Sappho's Ghosts: Writing Ancient Love

Poems in World Literature

Poster X:
Keene Poster 2020
00:00 / 01:47
Kuhn-Lilly Poster
Emily Kuhn

Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Poster Y:

Impact of Participation in a Clinic on a PTA Student's Professional Behavior

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Greg Mullen

Exploring the Core LLC

Creating a Self-Directed Learning Environment 

Poster Z:
Greg MULLEN Poster Presentation
00:00 / 01:27
Minna Ng Poster presentation 2020
Minna Ng

Duke University

Poster AA:

Impacts of Collaborative Learning in STEM Courses

00:00 / 01:09
Duke University Team Photo
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Poster Withdrawn

Poster BB:
Susan Parry poster
Susan Parry

Hennepin Technical College

Poster CC:

Implicit BIas in Critical Thinking Students

00:00 / 01:24
Nancy Quam-Wickham

California State University

Long Beach

"May I Be Frank?": What Students Want us to Know

Poster DD:
May I be Frank Poster 2020
00:00 / 01:31
How HIP is Service Learning Poster
Carmen Saunders-Russell

California State University


Poster EE:

How HIP is Service Learning: Multigenerational, Interprofessional and Cultural Competency

00:00 / 01:07
Teryl Sands Headshot
Teryl Sands

Mesa Community College

Measuring Student Success in Zero Textbook Cost Community College Courses

Poster FF:
Teryl Sands Lilly Poster
00:00 / 01:30
Lori Simons Poster 2020
Lori Simons

Widener University

Poster GG:

The Value of An Undergraduate Degree in Psychology: Enhancing Student Learning Through Service

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Shannon Smith

Glendale Community College

Exploring Opinions and Perceptions of Enhanced Resource Guides in a 200 Level Nutrition Course

Poster HH:
Shannon Smith Poster 2020
00:00 / 01:27
Frank Spors
Krystle Golly

Western University of Health Sciences

Poster II:

Using an Audience Response System in a Graduate Optics Course

00:00 / 01:32
Using an Audience Response System Poster
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Joanna Thomas

Mercer University

Poster JJ:
Joanna Thomas Poster presentation 2020

Transforming an Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Seminar Course: More than Meets the Eye

00:00 / 01:31
Kasey Walker

University of Arkansas

Poster KK:

Personal Transparency as Self Care

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Oxana Wieland

University of Minnesota


Poster LL:

Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences: Course Design Approaches in Accounting, Economics and Finance Courses

00:00 / 00:53
Osana Widland Poster presenation 2020
Jennifer Williams & Lillian Nave Poster presentation 2020
Jennifer Williams
Lillian Nave

East Carolina University

Poster MM:

Promoting Universal Design for Learning (UDL) through a Resource Repository

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Janie Kleinendorst

Itasca Community College

Poster NN:
San Diego Red trolley

The effects of growth-minded reflections on student’s mindset test scores

Simpfronia Taylor Poster presentation 2020
Simpfronia Taylor

University of Tennessee Martin

Poster OO:

Promoting Academic Success for Dual Enrollment Students

Simprfonia Taylor headshot
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