2015 Session Handouts
Presenters from the sessions listed here have chosen to upload copies of their materials. Sessions are listed in alphabetical order of the first author.
Supporting Faculty Inquiry about Teaching: Implications for Teaching and for Curriculum
Cheryl Amundsen
Designing Your Course to Blend Lifelong Learning Skills with Content
Erin Hill
Learning Statistics Through Excel Simulations and Hands-On Surveys
Chintamani Jog
A Hybrid Faculty Learning Community Approach for Hybrid Course Redesign
Cub Kahn
Promoting Engagement in the (Sometimes Very) Large Lecture Classroom
Lori Kayes & Devon Quick
Engaging Students In A High-Impact, Learner-Centered Environment
Barbara Limbach & Wendy Waugh
Understanding Growth Mindset and the Impact it has on Student Success
Katie Olivant
Johnny and Jenny Can Write: Strategies for Deepening Writing Skills
Robin Pappas & Jessica White
Using Role Plays to Enhance Deep Learning and Cognitive Sophistication
Kristin Park
Listening to Our Students: What We Have Learned From Small-Group Instructional Diagnoses
Gregg Wentzell