Presenters from the sessions listed here have chosen to upload copies of their materials. Sessions are listed in alphabetical order of the first author.
Presenters that wish to have their materials included may email them to registrar@lillyconferences.com.
Online Office Hours: Engaged Learning With Distance Students
Trevor Adams
Integrating Simulations, 360 Degree Video, and Virtual Reality into the Classroom Environment
David L. Anderson
We the Students: Employing a Group Contract in Student Projects
Stephen Bergstrom
- Handout
Community Conversations of Neighborhood Stakeholders as Narrative for Experiential Learning
Arla G. Bernstein
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Applying Content Through Experiential Learning: Conducting Quality Improvement Projects at Work
Grishma Bhavsar
Enhancing Inclusion in the Classroom
Melissa Bowles-Terry
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Transforming Your Course Using Student Peer Assessment
Amanda Bradley
Understanding Student Expectations and Experiences in Large Classes
Sylvia Branca and Emily Slusser
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The Forum Crossing: Advancing the Social Capital of Faculty
Andy Buchenot, Darrell Nickolson, and Aimee Zoeller
Sifting Through the Stereotypes: Connecting with Gen Z Students
Eileen Camfield, Leslie Bayers, and Lott Hill
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Getting Students to Read Like a Pro(fessor)
Conni Campbell, Jo Clemmons, and Gayle Sollfrank
Creative Student Learning Outcomes: Integrating Academic Identity and Teaching Practice
Shamini Dias
Let’s BoK About It: Examining a Reflective Journaling Assignment
Tara Earls Larrison

Actively Engaging Students in the Distance Education Environment via Team Teaching
Susan Egbert and Sean Camp
Caring for Self While Serving Students: Trauma Stewardship for Educators
Susan Egbert and Sean Camp
Discovering the Student Engagement Journey: Implications for Teaching & Learning
Hailley Fargo
Exam CSI: How Test Autopsies Impact Student Performance
Zach Frank and Michael McGuire
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‘Ribbon Game’: An Experiential Activity to Teach Creativity and Innovation
Ranjan George
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Be the Change Agent: Self-Care and Removing Inner Obstacles
Sandy Guzman Foster and Sherry Herbers
Re-evaluate and re-energize your teaching: Your students will benefit
Mary Jo Hartman
Course Redesign with Technology and Collaborative Activities for Engaged Learning
Abeer M Hasan
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Encouraging Classroom Discussion in any Discipline
Sarah Holtan
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The Ever-Present Grading Dilemma: Making the Most of Instructor Feedback
Lisa Hughes
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Teaching Together: Supporting Faculty and TA Collaboration in Large Classes
Angela Jenks and Katie Cox
Interactive Online Discussions: Let us change the way we talk
David Yong Kim
Technology and Culturally Competent Strategies for the Online Classroom
Justina Kwapy
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An Electronic Escape Room to Review Teaching and Learning Strategies
Suzanne Larson and Janet Cooley
Creating Connections and Cultivating Community in the College Classroom
Kim Miller-Davis
Making Meaningful Connections: An Integrated Model for Community of Inquiry and Social Emotional Learning in Face to Face and Online Learning Environments
Kelly Olson Stewart & Wendy Kubasko
Integrating Interactive Video Lectures Into a Hybrid Research Method Course
Timothy Ottusch
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The Role of Faculty in Scaling Community-Based Learning to Maximize Student Engagement
Jodie Parys
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Mindfulness in the Classroom
Steve Peterson
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Reducing Academic Anxiety Using a Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Approach
Tashana Samuel and Sebastien Buttet
Online Team-Based Learning: Building Social Presence for Success
Anton Tolman
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Using Protocols to Enhance Group Discussions
Leslie Trimmer
Mini Hints in eLearning to Increase Student Persistence and Engagement
Lelli Van Den Einde
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Digital Discourse: 21st Century Tools to Venture beyond Highlighters and Post-Its!
Dale Vidmar
Engaging with Self to Better Engage with Others
Mathew White and Sophie Muller
Enhancing Student Motivation and Engagement in Learning Using In-Class Inventories
Nate Yerke, Genesis Gutierrez, and Anton Tolman
Updated: March 15, 2020